The 'Net

Photo Courtesy of "AnEarnestSmile(" -- that's me!
Good day, darlings! It's Wednesday, and so here's your Wednesday deviation for the week. The quote I choice for this week's drawing was "The internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom." by Jon Stewart, although, this one was actually inspired more so by this post itself, rather than the quote (like usual). As I was browsing neo0031's gallery, I came across a photo that included a laptop and it had me thinking about the internet -- and how amazing it is! I then decided to gather up a few other drawings that included laptops in them, with hope of permission to share them on this blog. Well, I got the permission, along with some interviews! The photos, the interviews -- everything is below, darlings.

* Features! *

Yup, it's Wednesday -- Watch Wednesday, and so here are this week's features: neo0031, Mcgooen, Imaranx, and MEW-tiful! All of this week's features have something in common, but what, you ask? Well, all of this week's features have drawn a picture that includes a laptop within it, and that's what inspired this feature. This Watch Wednesday, I am going to show you the interviews I got with many artists (a.k.a. users) and what they had to say about the internet.

Meet * neo0031 *
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "neo0031("
On the left is a photo credit to's user "neo0031"; a very talented artist, who appears to have a strong love for amine. In our interview, based mostly upon the internet, lets see what he had to say. His words are typed in brown, in order to avoid confusion.

* * * * First of all, how's your world spinning?: My world is spinning... literally. I'm not completely happy with my current living situation, what with not even being able to afford a burger (job-less) and being forced to live here (UK).
Aww, hang in there; I believe a sunnier day is ahead. On a scale of 01 to 10, how important is the internet to you?: I think..... 9 to 10? I'm not an internet-addict (yeah right), but I love it because it keeps coming up with interesting ways of letting me connect to my friends and family back home (Hong Kong).
Hong Kong? Wow, that's really far away! Favorite sites (besides, of course)?: Favourite site... Don't really have one, but I think I'll have to say "Pixiv". I love seeing both popular and up-coming works by popular/up coming Japanese artists/illustrators.
I'll have to look into that site. What do you think about trolls?: I keep asking myself "What do these people do in their own time? What is their motive?". Basically it means I don't have a friend who is one.
I see. Have you ever trolled?: No. I tend to be helpful online, or silent if I can't be helping.
Well, that's good. How often are you online?: Always. At least I try to be. As much as I am limited (monthly internet usage by ISP) to internet access, I try to stay online and keep myself updated with with news, infos or what my (close) friends are doing.
Sounds good. If you, somehow, lost access to the internet -- forever, what hobbies do you think you'd take up in replacement?: Drawing and playing guitar. The only 2 hobbies that I'm RATHER good at really. I love to write but I find it hard when I don't have a certain number of audience, unlike drawings.
I don't know about the guitar, but I've seen your drawings and they're much more than just "rather good", if you ask me. Which do you prefer, the internet or drawing? .... Both? Without either, a lot of the motivation would be lost on both.
Understood. For new artists, who hope to draw as good as you one day, what advice do you have for them?: Not much advice really. Have them tell me when they get good, so I can get good too. I'm far from it. * * * *

Meet * Mcgooen *
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "Mcgooen("

On the left is a photo credit to's user "Mcgooen"; another very talented artist who seems to have a strong love for colors. Lets see what she had to say in our interview; same questions but different answers. Her words are typed in brown, in order to avoid confusion.

* * * * First of all, how's your world spinning?: Well, I guess my World is spinning the way it should, counterclockwise around the sun just like it always has been~ but on a personal note things are going just dandy, thank you for asking!: D Lots of excitement/anticipation/nervousness all building up for what's in store this year.. A new environment will surely come with new adventures and new things to explore! (both internally as well as externally) But yeah! On the down side, I just ate a barbecued hotdog that isn't sitting too well atm.. I have a feeling it wasn't cooked entirely through.. >:I *shifty eyes*
Congratulations on all of the excitement. On a scale of 01 to 10, how important is the internet to you?: I'm trying to think of some way to twist this that doesn't come across as me sounding like some kind of antisocial recluse.. but I suppose it's inevitable *sigh* Where's the 11 card?? /shot/
Haha, favorite sites (besides, of course)?: I have a morning internet-website-visiting ritual that unconditionally follows this absolute pattern: deviantART,,,, and finally my hotmail~!>: D (though I rarely have any messages..D: ) Oh! And sometimes I'll peek in to MLIA whenever I need to put a smile to my face: )
Yeah, "MLIA" rules. What do you think about trolls?: Meh. Trolls are bloody annoying and should just stick to staying under bridges. >:/
I see. Have you ever trolled?: Nope. I have better things to do in my spare time~ what spare time? ..Of course, I must reluctantly confess to once succumbing to my need to participate in that whole Rick Roll'd fad.. The one attempt I ever pulled on my brother fatally backfired.. D:
Haha, I like getting Rick Roll'd; it's funny. How often are you online?: Always. I'm an internet ninja.
Who isn't, I guess. If you, somehow, lost access to the internet -- forever, what hobbies do you think you'd take up in replacement?: O______O *twitch* W-Well.. I'd probably keep drawing (digital art doesn't necessarily need internet~ muwaahahaa LOOP HOLE>: D ), play some more volleyball.. u-uh.. maybe make it my life goal to somehow re-invent the internet?? *is a nerd and proud of eeet~*
Haha, "re-invent the internet" -- good answer. Which do you prefer, the internet or drawing?: Drawing, definitely. Art is my life. cliche? shut up. D< I just like the internet so that I can share this passion with all the lovely people out there~
Ah, I see. For new artists, who hope to draw as good as you one day, what advice do you have for them?: You know, to hear that people admire and are inspired by what we do is probably the greatest compliment an artist (or anyone, really) can ever receive. To be able to affect someone's life in such a way is truly an honor, in my opinion: ) I'll admit I'm no philosopher, and I'm sure this has been said over and over, but practice, Practice, PRACTICE. There really is no other way. The art of being an artist is an acquired skill that is constantly transforming and developing, so if you're determined enough and work to your full potential, you are bound to have results. I also think it's important to remember that there are many different levels and forms of art, so constantly comparing yourself to others isn't usually the best mindset, from personal experience. Set your own goals, work for them, and seize every opportunity to accomplish great things.: ) On another note (and I don't mean to uh, demoralize the beliefs of any other artists out there) but it totally is OK to use references, especially for beginner artists. Start by trying to copy a picture in order to familiarize yourself with different shapes, angles, and expressions. (ps. If you ever copy a picture EXACTLY.. please don't try passing it off as your very own.. it's never fun when the shit hits the fan..!) Once you've gained a bit of confidence, be daring and play around with your own poses and style. But still, don't shy away from using references to double check for mistakes!! On a side note, I actually use myself as a reference for the majority of my pictures..(which now that I think about it is kind of odd considering I draw mostly guys.. o.o ) Anyway, after awhile, your art will develop it's own "look", and things usually start to kick off from this point; ) So yeah! Best of luck to you all!! *sends you positive vibes* * * * *

Meet * Imaranx *
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "Imaranx("
On the left is a photo credit to's user "Imaranx"; another very talented artist

* * * * First of all, how's your world spinning?: fast and unstable...
Hmm, sounds a bit exciting! On a scale of 01 to 10, how important is the internet to you?: 8
Favorite sites (besides, of course)?: Maybe Animal Crossing Community ^^ That is place, where I have fun time many times ^^
Never heard of it, but I'm glad it's helpful towards you. What do you think about trolls?: fun, annoying, but something we have to deal with...
I see. Have you ever trolled?: just ask how many times XD
Haha, got'cha. How often are you online?: I try to get online everyday, but sometimes when I'm sick or something I don't get online ^^;
I understand. If you, somehow, lost access to the internet -- forever, what hobbies do you think you'd take up in replacement?: still drawing, videogaming and havin fun with my doggies ^^
Sounds awesome. Which do you prefer, the internet or drawing?: it depends....sometimes internet, sometimes drawing XD
Haha, I see. For new artists, who hope to draw as good as you one day, what advice do you have for them?: just keep on practicing!! Never give up to the so evil artist blog! And don't try to be like the person you idolize, try to get better than them!! with your own style, of course! And don't forget the practice!!! * * * *

Meet * MEW-tiful *
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "MEW-tiful("

On the left is a photo credit to's user "MEW-tiful"; another very talented artist and an such an original way. Here is how my interview with her went. Her words are typed in brown, in order to avoid confusion.

* * * * First of all, how's your world spinning?: I must confess that my bathing suit is hurting me. I'm on vacation with my family on this tiny little island up the straight of Georgia: the same spot of paradise I've gone every year since I was five. (That’s fourteen years to all you non-mathematicians). Considering that the piece is Internet related, I will tell you this: This year, my mom suggested I bring along my laptop so that we can watch movies...when I arrived on the island I noticed I had an Internet connection.
The island has always been a very disconnected place for me, and I was not sure what to think about this new, uh, development. I've been on the island a week already and I can safely say that having an internet connection in my childhood vacation site hasn't changed the experience very much at all.
Except now I can predict the tides, and cheat on crossword puzzles
In addition, because I am now sharing the laptop with everyone in my family, I get to snoop through their browsing histories.
On a scale of 01 to 10, how important is the internet to you?: I’m tempted to write an 08. An 8 out of 10 is a good solid ‘B’: low enough to get without exerting yourself too much and high enough not to anger your parents. I am considering the fact that the Internet is here to stay; you cannot live successfully in modern life without it any more than you win a beauty pageant without a spray-tan. However, that is how important the Internet is to modern society rather than me. I’m going to score the Internet a seven and a half.
Favorite sites (besides, of course)?: I read quite extensively...they say it will ruin your life with its addictiveness but I have found it very helpful for storytelling and reading. I feel like I am cheating by listing, but it’s been good to me so I will anyway.
What do you think about trolls?: I think too few people realize that it is possible to troll without being vulgar. Tell me, what is more interesting: waking up after a party with a penis drawn on your forehead, or a cross-section of he earth from the stratosphere to the inner core on your back?
Have you ever trolled?: I've been accused of doing so by a teenaged fanfic writer, but I don’t think that counts.
How often are you online?: possibly six hours a day.
If you, somehow, lost access to the internet -- forever, what hobbies do you think you'd take up in replacement?: Judging from past experiences, I'll probably start hiking extensively. I live in the very mountainous British Columbia so finding a good trail would not be hard. Although my dog is getting old, so she would not be able to join me for much longer.
Which do you prefer, the Internet or drawing?: I draw every day; I stated drawing because my mom needed to take me to church and a pen and paper were the only thing she could give me that would make me shut-up. In favour of the Internet: I use it for feedback, networking, reference, and research; these are all things that are invaluable to an artist. In favour of drawing: I was much more upset and antsy when I broke my fingers and could not draw than when I lost electricity and couldn't go on the internet. I felt like a part of me was missing…and due to the excessive nail biting that occurred during this period a part of me soon was. My drawing would suffer if I lost my Internet connection, but I would suffer if I lost my drawing.
For new artists, who hope to draw as good as you one day, what advice do you have for them?: You cannot do this alone. Honey, the days of the lone-genius has died with the year of the cat and no amount of sketching in the corner of the library (I’m looking at you fourteen-year-old me) will change that. Draw every single day even if you think you have already drawn because you probably have not. Draw everything that is in your field of vision and not just the seashell you set up on the table. Yes, Virginia, anime is a cartoon. A crappy easel is a bigger burden than no easel at all because it takes up Way Too Much Space, so save your money. Clean up the ink before it stains the floor. Invest in a smock before you ruin your new jeans. Find the people who will follow you to the grave, artistically and otherwise, and never let them anything come between you…especially not your ego. Brush your teeth more than once a day. You will no doubt gather many invaluable treasures from the Internet; give something in return. Check your spelling. Being a visual artist is not an excuse to avoid words. Try keeping your equivalent of whiteout in its drawer for a while. A pencil without a sharpener is useless so make sure your pack both when you go anywhere. Lastly, I know that whilst you are in Science class, dozing in your bed, and taking the bus that you are daydreaming about the wonderful future you will have as an artist. It does not matter what your fantasy is, I regret to inform you that your life will not take that path. But I am also certain that you will be too happy and too full of beauty to care about somebody else’s regrets. * * * *

Well, that was this week's Watch Wednesday. Now be sure to give this week's features some love by watching them, adding some of their artwork to your favorites, commenting on some of their artwork, or simply just giving them a llama. Spread the love!

- Lola


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