
Photo Courtesy of "AnEarnestSmile(" -- that's me!
Greetings, darlings! This is my most recent drawing of Wednesday, an (I suppose you could say) original character I've created. For more information on her, you can check out my profile; I have a whole selection of her in the "about me" part of my profile. At my profile, if you click on the "Browse Gallery" button, you can also find a lot of other similar drawings of her, as well. Now, back to my most recent Wednesday drawing. This drawing was inspired by the quote "Every tear should live its purpose. Don't ever wipe the reason away." by Jessica Simpson. This quote means a lot to me because I find it to be very true; whenever we cry, it's for a reason. We should always wipe away the tears and carry on -- but, if we just forget what was wrong and pretend like nothing happened, it makes our tears seem as if they were just a waste and we were just crying for nothing. Nothing in our past should be a waste but, more so, a lesson for the future.

* Features! *

In other news, it's Wednesday, which -- on this blog -- will be known as "Watch Wednesday", meaning that I am going to introduce you to some very talented artists on that you (if you're not already) should definitely be watching. Here are some wonderful "colorless" photos by each of them.

Meet * cascada0224 *
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "cascada0224("
On the left is a photo credit to's user "cascada0224"; a very talented artist, especially in the flower -- or, more so, just nature -- department. An interview with cascada0224 is below! Their words are typed in brown, in order to avoid confusion.

* * * * First of all, how's your world spinning?: It's awesome! College and everything is just so cool. :3 Tho' a lot of work. -.-
I'm sure it'll be worth it, in the end. What inspired you to take this photo?: Emm… I don’t know! xD I think that every detail is important, so I just saw it and voilá! xD
Haha, I see. What type of flower is that?: Actually, it is not a flower; it is a plant. I really have no idea what type it is. xD I just know there are a lot of them around here! :3
Oh, how neat! Was it raining when you shot this photo?: Actually, when I arrived to that placed, it just stopped raining which was awesome and, ironically, after that big storm, it was all sunny and pretty! (:
Strange, but I'm glad to hear that! Do you have a favorite type of flower?: There are a lot of beautiful flowers, so I wouldn’t dare to say just one ‘cause every one (as a field or alone) are just so perfect! P:
Haha, you're right -- I understand. What type of camera did you use for this photo?: My camera is a Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi, with the estándar lense.
Sounds expensive! Besides for flowers, what else do you enjoy taking photos of?: I like to take pictures of anything that I think is interesting for my eye. xD It could be from a piece of paper on the street to people portrait, etc.
How pleasant; you find beauty in all sorts of things! Did you use PhotoShop, or any other programs/software, for this photo?: Yes, I used Adobe Photoshop CS4 to turn the photo into black and white, but that’s mostly it.
Ah, okay. Random, but what's your favorite color?: Haha, that’s a hard question! But I’d have to say between pink, purple and red :3
* * * *

Meet * GalaxyTwilight *
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "GalaxyTwilight("

On the left is a photo credit to's user "GalaxyTwilight"; another very talented artist. He seems to enjoy taking photos of people, along with beautiful sceneries. An interview with GalaxyTwilight is below! His words are typed in brown, in order to avoid confusion.

* * * * First of all, how's your world spinning?: Pretty fast! I have been really busy lately with all of this photography stuff! Also, school for me starts really soon so I'm getting ready for that as well.
Sounds good! What inspired you to take this photo?: The scenery did. I saw this place while walking one day and I had to get a model in there asap!
I know, right? Haha, that scenery looks beautiful. Who's the female in the photo (friend, relative, etc.)?: My older sister is the girl in the photo. I picked her because I thought it would be a perfect match.
Aww, how sweet. For you, what's the best time of the day to take photos?: Between 2 or 5 because that's when the sun is at the fullest and I LOVE natural light.
There's no light like the sun! A lot of your photos are in black and white, why is that?: To me black and white makes it seem more timeless. I love color too, don't get me wrong, but black and white adds something more to it.
Very interesting. What made you put this photo in black and white?: A lot are black and white because it makes the photos seem like they will last longer in time, like, a photo in an old photo album.
Hey, you're right -- it kind of does! Besides for people, what else do you enjoy taking photos of?: I like taking pictures of animals and of beautiful scenery!
Wonderful. Did you use PhotoShop, or any other programs/software, for this photo?: I used PhotoShop to make it black and white and to clarify it a little bit. I try to keep the photos looking as natural as possible.
I see. Random, but what's it like over there in Utah?: It's fun! There is always something going on and I never have nothing to do. It's just really hot right now and I'm a cold person, haha! * * * *

Meet * loveDRAIN *
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "loveDRAIN("

On the left is a photo credit to's user "loveDRAIN"; another very talented artist, when it comes to drawing -- "anime", to be exact. An interview with loveDRAIN is below! Her words are typed in brown, in order to avoid confusion.

* * * * First of all, how's your world spinning?: quickly quickly; it's too fast for me and i can't keep up and before i know it, i'll be 70 and dying of some new disease that some new einstein had created in his laboratory with some turkeys. .. ... i hope that was what you meant by that question.
Haha, aww, you're funny! What inspired you to draw this picture?: i don't remember. probably nothing. -foreveralone-
Haha, what art program did you draw this picture with?: GIMP.
Oh, I love that art program. How old were you when you started drawing anime?: <_> I don't really think of my work as anime. but a few months ago before i drew that ok 8D /age hidden forevar and evar.
Haha, wow, you're a natural! What's your favorite color to draw with?: pink of course 8D IT'S SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYYYYY /rolls around
Pink is a super pretty color. How long did it take you to draw this picture?: i can't remember lololol 10 - 40 minutes. i'm so slow.
Haha, no, it would take me weeks to drawing something as lovely as that! Besides for people, what else do you enjoy drawing pictures of?: doorknobs and tissue. ...and 'watery landscapes', like the sea. mainly because the sea is like 50 meters from my house and i can see it very clearly from here where i'm sitting. right now. ohohoho.
Hahaha, that's nice! Did you use PhotoShop, or any other programs/software, for this picture?: i thought i answered this a minute ago LOLOL - GIMP.
I mean, did you use PhotoShop or SAI afterwards? To tidy it up? Never mind, haha. Random, but your birthday was about a month ago -- how was that?: it was super lovely and i cut the cake. there was a fairy princess thing on it so i cut around her but my friend cut her head off and ate it. ;________; ... .. and fairy princesses are cute ok. i didn't pick the cake.... 8u
* * * *

Well, that was our very first Watch Wednesday. Now be sure to give this week's features some love by watching them, adding some of their artwork to your favorites, commenting on some of their artwork, or simply just giving them a llama. Spread the love!

- Lola


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